I’ve been saying what the latest research has just proven (link below) since the whole environmental impact by humans started to gain publicity…
…that it’s not simply too much plastic or too much intensive farming or too much flying in aircrafts causing climate change and environmental devastation…
…that our very emotions and attitudes influence our environment massively…
You see, because every living thing, from human beings right down to a small leaf or insect are all innately connected, it was always obvious to me that the environmental changes we’re seeing and experiencing on a global scale are hugely influenced by human thoughts, beliefs and emotions.
Science has already proven time and time again that less than 5% of symptoms we experience are because of genes… i.e. it’s our thoughts, emotions and beliefs – how we interpret and interact in the world – which manifests dis-ease and illness in our bodies, along with other factors, which I talk about in previous posts. Therefore it makes perfect sense that these same thoughts, emotions and beliefs can and do also influence the very environments we live, work and play in as well.
Now before anyone jumps on a high horse…there isn’t any blaming or shaming in what I’m saying. No one is saying it’s your fault if you have this dis-ease or that illness. Much of what happens to us is through unconscious programming and conditioning. Therefore, most of us are very unaware of what our thoughts, beliefs and emotions are doing or that they’re even there in fact. I for one didn’t know it was my thinking which landed me with two knee surgeries or my thinking which has caused me to have skin issues for most of my life.
However, we know now, that more than 95% of dis-ease and illness in the mind and/or body has a mind-body-social-brain connection. There are very specific themes which are associated with where a symptom, illness or dis-ease shows up, following a trigger, which to the individual, was a conflict for their thoughts, beliefs and emotions and thus, creates this imbalance in our bodies.
Therefore, the world we live in, our environment, is also a reflection of our thoughts, emotions and beliefs…because we’re all connected, every-living-thing.
If we explore and study the history of what’s happened in global populations and the land where these things happened, there will be a correlation with what’s going on environmentally now…likely with similar conflict themes to those we see showing up in the human body, where similar individual thoughts, feelings and beliefs have been felt, processed and held on to over time.
So the new research which has just been published (link below), by three separate scientific studies is very exciting and illuminating for how we continue to choose to shape our future, both as individuals, as well as country-wide and global populations.
The dominant patriarchal aggressive approach to life and living is not serving us as a global family. We need to create radical change, right down to how we treat ourselves and others, before we actually, seriously become a part of the sixth mass global extinction…which will include the extinction of the human race if we don’t change the way we live with ourselves and others now.
The #bekind movement has never had a more significant birth than now.
It’s actually paramount for the future of the planet and every living thing that we change how we live, work and socialise with each other. If we continue on the trajectory we’re on just now, with the nastiness, slander, anger and rage which we’re witnessing everywhere, even towards ourselves, we’re on a very slippery, rapid downhill slope to ending life on planet earth as we know it. Literally.
Even if we do not agree with someone else’s opinion, we need to learn to be kind and loving anyway.
Our governments…it’s time to stop slagging and bitching at each other, thinking this kind of behaviour is clever and is going to win votes. It’s not mature…it’s not grown up…and it’s not showing any kind of loving-kindness or intelligence for your people to look up to and be inspired by.
Teachers in education…stop putting children down. Treat them with the respect you want to have as well. If you’re getting angry and irritated in the classroom, maybe it’s time for a career change or retirement. Don’t take your frustrations and unresolved emotional hurts out on the students though. Teach with loving-kindness and you will receive this in return.
Those who work at the top in medicine and pharmacology…including the funders…it’s time to tell the truth at all levels of the medical chain. People deserve to know the truth. Stop with the lies, deceit and pretence that you do not know what is going on when scientific research has proven time and time again now that we do know why illness and dis-ease are happening…and it sure isn’t going to be cured by mass pharmacology either…and you know it. You signed the Hippocrates oath…which says do no harm.
Organised religious leaders…it’s time for you to stop with your lies too. Stop hiding the abuse and corruption at all levels of your patriarchial organisations. None of the religious texts talk about or support the behaviour you’ve all been carrying out, supporting and hiding over the decades. Stop it. Be honest. #bekind
Media in all its forms – print and internet journalism, radio and TV presenters. It’s ok to have an opinion about things. We can all be kind when expressing our thoughts and feelings though. If you feel the need to put down or berate another person in any way, shape or form, it’s time you looked at your own unresolved emotional hurts…your heart needs loving-kindness and it’s time you bestowed it upon yourself.
Social media trolls. It’s simple. Be kind. If this is a challenge for you, ask yourself, “where do I have unresolved emotional hurts, which are desperately calling out for my loving-kindness…?”
It all starts within, for all of us. Be kind to yourself…and then it’s much easier to be kind to everyone and every living thing around us, with love and compassion.
Honestly, without this change now…we’re all going down the plughole sooner rather than later.
Below are some book suggestions to help you move from loveless and lacklustre to loving and lovable, from cutting and cowardly to kind and compassionate, from disconnected and disillusioned to Divinely guided:
And finally, below is a link to the latest research about how our thoughts, emotions and beliefs shape the world around us, from three separate scientific research projects.
New Research Shocks Scientists: Human Emotion Physically Shapes Reality!