Here you will find different resources, information, recommendations and ideas, which may inspire and motivate you along your health and wellness journey.
And if you know of something which could benefit others, which you’d like me to share, drop me a line and I’ll review the suitability to include it here as well.
- Healthy Balanced Eating ideas
- The Happy Pear Happy Heart Course – a great 4-week online/at home course to follow & learn from, to establish a foundation of healthy, balanced plant-based eating, which can easily include meat, fish eggs, if these suit you and your health. It’s got a great community feel to it, so you’re never alone if you have questions or need group motivation too. My Mother and I did the course together in 2018 (due to some heart symptoms Mum had) and it’s changed the way we eat, leaving us both feeling fantastic for it. Their main website also has a lot of information, including free recipes, which you can follow along with to see if it’s something you’d like to incorporate more of.
- – I’ve been a student of Ayurveda for many years now and it’s been a fantastic foundation to build upon, so that I can work with my own fundamental nature and align this to the rhythms of life which surround me, to enable me to live in harmony with all that’s going on, rather than reacting against it. As a result of what I saw happening positively for myself, I trained to gain a practitioner certificate, so that I am able to share this same knowledge with those I work with as well. If you would like to learn more, the Irish Ayurveda Team offer a free easy-to-follow online programme to learn the basics for yourself. To find out more and start learning how this natural medical model can benefit you too, click here.
- Natural Movement & Lifestyle – Tony Riddle – aka The Natural Lifestylist – is a true inspiration, when it comes to incorporating easy and simple ways to naturally live and move each day. Having followed his work for sometime now, it’s changed the way I sit and move when working and going about my day…and meeting him at a talk in Dublin cemented my respect and admiration for the work he’s doing and the knowledge he’s sharing with us all. It was a fun, informative and very interactive evening, which left me feeling even more inspired. His Instagram feed is always full of ideas and fun chatter too, if this is your platform of choice.
- Natural Skincare – when this natural skincare brand launched in 2016, I was totally hooked immediately. The multi-award-winning Siskyn brand make natural skincare oils, which are vegan registered; their range includes organic (though all their products are of the highest quality) and they explain why oils are best, when the media would often have you believe otherwise. My skin has never looked better since switching to Siskyn and I’d encourage you to check them out too – they have try me/travel sets which are just the ticket.
- Books which continue to help, motivate & inspire me:
- The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown
- Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton
- Anam Cara – Spiritual Wisdom from the Celtic World by John O’Donohue
- Your Body Keeps The Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk
- It Didn’t Start With You by Mark Wolynn
- Waking The Tiger by Peter Levine
- A Woman’s Best Medicine by Nancy Lonsdorf
- Loving What Is by Byron Katie
- Love, Medicine & Miracles by Dr. Bernie Siegel
- Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom by Dr. Christiane Northrup
- Matrix Reimprinting Using EFT by Karl Dawson & Sasha Allenby
- Transform Your Beliefs, Transform Your Life by Karl Dawson & Kate Marillat
- Heal Your Birth Heal Your Life by Sharon King
- The Universe Has Your Back by Gabriel Bernstein
- Daring Greatly by Brené Brown
- The Cancer Whisperer by Sophie Sabbage
- Judgement Detox by Gabriel Bernstein
- East by West by Jasmine Hemsley
- 8 Keys to Brain-Body Balance by Robert Scaer