As mentioned in previous posts, meta-health (which comes from German New Medicine) is about the body’s ability & intelligence to self-regulate and go through the automated stress-restoration healing process, which we see in nature in general.
Up until very recently, we haven’t fully understood this part of the human body-mind connection and just how intelligent it truly is in auto-regulating itself to homeostasis after a stress trigger, for this science to be used in mainstream medicine.
Right now, there are two main models used in healthcare…the pathology model and the salutogenic model. Neither one is in question…they’re both valid and have their place. It’s fair to say, however, that a self-healing model is very much needed because its focus is on prevention and solutions for this, rather than waiting for symptoms to appear before we manage & treat them.
If we create and use a foundation of knowledge and understanding of the mind-body processes and use this integrative model of health and healing to educate ourselves, we’re then in a more empowered place to prevent symptoms from manifesting in debilitating ways in the first place.
Meta-Health does just this. Yes, it also finds the root cause of symptoms which already exist and we then create a specific personal healing plan. We’re all about preventative education and care too (yes, I do talks – contact me if you’re interested).
We look at the six key areas which potentially trigger a stress response.
The WHY is this happening…? What organ is affected? What stress is going on? What emotions are involved? What beliefs are underlying things? What’s going on socially? What lifestyle is being led?
We explore the HOW. How each organ tissue goes through specific major points & phases of self-regulating.
And the WHAT. The crux of it all. Understanding and building trust in our body’s healing intelligence and natural auto-regulation process and what it’s actually doing for each organ tissue to heal.
I’ll explain more in my next post. If you’d like to know how I can support you with your personal circumstances, get in touch now.