Why? How?

As explained in the last post, we do understand there’s more to our symptoms than just a physical-mental manifestation. We know there are other connections associated with the symptoms.

But how does this work? How does it all fit together? How did each of us come to our symptoms and the experience we’re having in our body and mind?

The two big questions to ask with this are…Why is this happening this way? And…How has it manifested like this? What has been going on in your history to create this biological response in your body?

Why are some symptoms chronic? They appear and disappear, sometimes coming back and seeming to get worse over time? What is that underlying biological process which is happening? Why is that cycle happening over and over again? Why is it happening in this system in my body?

E.G. man, aged 42, lower back pain on right side, chronic every four weeks for last three years. No accident or physical blow to the area. Eats well and lives healthily. He does some pilates and physio, which gives some relief, but nothing is resolving it totally.

In a meta-analysis, we look at all aspects of what’s going on in a person’s life (the meta/ big picture view) i.e. organ tissue (conflict theme); stress triggers (trauma); emotions (unresolved energy); beliefs (limiting thoughts); social (relationships, environment); lifestyle (vitality, diet, fitness).

So for this lower back pain case, the organ tissue is bones; the stress is a fight with their partner; emotion is anger; belief is I am not strong enough to deal with this situation; socially his perception is there’s too much pressure in the personal relationship; lifestyle is lack of exercise and inflammatory foods.

We then create a plan for his healing journey, including dietary changes and an exercise plan with a local physical trainer; plus using tools like EFT and Matrix Reimprinting to help release emotions and beliefs which aren’t serving him.

Within less than two weeks, symptoms have gone and never return, because we got to the root cause of the symptoms across all areas of the individual’s life, according to their perceptions of what’s happened to them.

If you would like to know more, do get in touch, where I would be happy to discuss your needs and see how what I offer can help and support you and your journey.

If you would like to know more about EFT practitioner training click here. Or if you would like to complete the Meta Health Foundation Workshop, click here.

Why Me? Why This? Why Now?

Meta-Health (also known as Meta-Consciousness or Lifestyle Prescriptions), all of which have their foundations in German New Medicine, has similar principles to functional medicine or integrated health.

The difference is, Meta-Health has a foundation which allows everyone to speak the same language and understand what’s going on…what the body is actually doing when symptoms appear.

One of the main challenges we generally find in our modern medical paradigm is that ‘cause unknown’ or ‘incurable’ are common terms used. The ‘WHY?’ of how symptoms appear is not addressed or discussed.

We talk about risk factors, which most of us are well aware of. And scientific development is fantastic with how it’s evolved and discovered all of these aspects. The big question is still the ‘WHY?’ though.

Think about this for a moment…
Go back to the last time some symptoms showed up for you. Maybe it was recently when something suddenly appeared. Did you ask yourself, well why is this happening? Why now? Why me?

The ‘WHY?’ is such an important aspect of the whole picture. What’s causing, what’s triggering, what’s affecting my symptoms? And not just from a physical-mechanical perspective. We know there is a lot of mechanical, biochemical, enviro, toxic risk factors and accident type aspects which play a role…BUT, if we’re honest, truly honest, most of us know there’s more to it. And it’s these connections, these synchronicities which we’re missing in this whole process of understanding what’s really happening when symptoms appear. What has actually happened in our life’s timeline, which has triggered this biological, physiological response in our body?

A Meta-Health analysis is like finding the needle in the haystack…and then understanding the biological process of the healing cycle which takes place naturally in the body. It explores the whole timeline, from the normal waking-sleeping cycle to when we are triggered into a stress response and our body goes into a sympathetic reaction while the stress trigger is still present, right to the subsequent restorative or parasympathetic phase, where we often see and experience a lot of physical symptoms, such as pain and inflammation.

I will be expanding upon this more in coming posts. If you would like to find out more now, about how a meta-health analysis can support you to get to the root cause of your symptoms, perhaps after having been told you will have to live with your symptoms for the rest of your like (like I was in my 20s), then get in touch now.

A New Health Paradigm

It’s time for change – it’s time for the new biology to be talked about. So let’s start the conversation.

Your health is all about your perspective…your personal view of the world and how your biology responds to what you experience.

Most of the time, we’re busy managing our symptoms (acute or chronic) – dealing with the pain, the thoughts, the emotions, the rash, the inflammation, the growth, the fill in the blank.

Even though symptoms may be reoccurring over and over, we still tend to just spend time managing them each time they arise, often never questioning the health professional, such as our GP, about what could be causing things. We just do the same thing, over and over again.

What if we looked further and explored the root cause of these symptoms? What if we started to ask questions about why our body is presenting these symptoms? What if we explored why our biology is behaving the way it is, be it acute or chronic?

What could this uncover and help us understand so that we could approach our health and wellbeing in a more empowering and sustained way?

This is the essence of Meta-Health, Meta-Consciousness. It’s about the art and science of root cause analysis of physical and mental symptoms and understanding what’s triggered the body to respond the way it is, for each individual person. It comes from New German Medicine, researched and developed by Dr Hamer.

This is the new paradigm of health and wellness which people like Bruce Lipton, Gabor Maté, Kelly Brogan, Sayer Ji and Bessel van der Kolk are talking about. It’s what I’ve been talking about for years now too. It’s the new biology and it’s what I knew was out there from my late teens when I was told I had an autoimmune disorder. What utter rubbish and the medical answer for ‘we actually don’t know what’s causing this, so we’ll label it autoimmune‘.

The fact is, the body doesn’t attack itself…rather, it’s a biological defence response, because the body is doing its best to help us stay safe and survive in what it perceives to be a threat to our survival. And this is what I’ll be sharing more of…so watch this space.